Mobile Refueling Solutions
EasyFuelPlus Mobile Bowser Fuel Management Solution
Mining | Light Aircraft | Railways | Maritime | Agriculture | Fishing | Forestry | Construction | Sugar Plantations
Reduce costs and increase productivity with PetroSmart’s fuel management solution for mobile refueling trucks, tankers and mobile bowser vehicles
Mobile fuel trucks (also referred to as fuel tankers and mobile bowsers) allow the efficient refueling of fixed plant machinery as well as providing refueling facilities to equipment that is operating in remote areas, where it is not practical or cost effective to use fixed refuelling facilities.
Whilst mobile fuel trucks often form an invaluable part of an operation’s refueling plan, many problems are realized due to inaccuracies of manual administration, fraudulent activity and simply keeping track of wetstock.
Industrial mobile fueling operators need complete control of mobile bowser dispensing pumps to:
- Ensure maximum accuracy with minimum human intervention
- Provide a secure fueling environment
- Minimize fuel loss through wastage and theft
Mobile Bowser Fuel Management Solution
EasyFuelPlus solutions are available packaged together into a built-for-purpose unit for use on mobile bowsers/tankers.
The EasyFuelPlus Mobile Bowser Unit is a purpose-built automation system designed to control the dispensing of fuel from mobile fuel trucks.
The Mobile Bowser Unit can be located either on a mobile tanker truck, temporary skid tank, or another industrial fuelling facility in an enclosure close to the filling point. In a mobile tanker installation, the vibration-proof, double-walled stainless steel cabinet can be installed in a suitable position on the vehicle behind the vehicle cab.
How does the EasyFuelPlus mobile bowser system work?
- When bowser arrives at machine location, the VID data (including engine hours) at time of refueling is read wirelessly by the VIS Site Controller on the bowser
- When the nozzle is inserted into the fuel tank, the Radio Frequency Nozzle (RFN) reads the passive tag data and passes it on to the VIS Site Controller on the bowser
- If required, a hand held tag is presented to the Mobile Bowser Unit to identify the operator or supervisor
- The VIS matches VID, Passive Tag & RFN data and processes the business rules (online, offline, or a combination of both) before the transaction is authorized
- Upon obtaining authorization, VIS passes commands to the ESPI (Pump Controller)
- The ESPI then opens the valve of the pump and fuel is dispensed
- If the nozzle is removed from the tank inlet during refueling, the pump will be stopped
- After refueling, tag details and status data are recorded by the VIS alongside the pump transaction and are exported to external systems as necessary
GOSFuel | GOSTrack | GOSFleet
Automated Data Capture & Diagnostics
Fuel Monitoring | Vehicle Tracking | Driver Behavior
OTI PetroSmart’s range of GOS (GPS Odometer Sender) automated vehicle data capture solutions are an integral part of our EasyFuelPlus AVI solution, supported by a robust and flexible set of reporting tools.
- EasyFuel – highly accurate distance travelled data captured independently of the vehicle, enabling enhanced fuel consumption monitoring
- EasyTrack – all the benefits of EasyFuel, plus real-time vehicle location tracking and driver behavior monitoring, with powerful enhanced reporting
- EasyFleet – all the benefits of EasyTrack, plus the most advanced vehicle and driver data capture, diagnostics and enhanced reporting